Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Your Soul First!

Take Care of Your Own Soul First!

Let’s imagine you are traveling in an aircraft at cruising altitude and suddenly the oxygen masks drop down from above your seat. You notice your seat mate is struggling to get his/her mask on. You remember the instructions, “In case there is a loss of cabin pressure an oxygen mask will drop down from the cabinet above. Pull the mask towards you, being sure to cover your mouth and nose. Secure your own mask first before assisting others.” You decide to help the person next to you before securing your own mask. How might this story end? (Take a moment to let your mind complete the scenario.)

The instructions to,“Secure your own mask first before assisting others” has bothered me since I first heard it. It seems to contradict Jesus’ instructions to deny ourselves. In addition it goes against the Vacation Bible School song I sung as a child entitled J.O.Y, Jesus first, Yourself last and Others in between”.

But wait!  What about the two big questions Jesus asks us in Matthew 16:26:
  1. “What do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul?”
  2. “Is anything worth more than your soul?”

So how important is your soul? Should you sacrifice your own soul to serve the needs of others? What will you have to offer others if your own soul is sick? 

Like me, have you ever been weary at the very center of your being? Have you heard others share their struggles to nurture a healthy and growing relationship with Jesus while the pressures of life squeeze the life from their soul? Might the lack of soul care be a leading cause of “burnout” in leaders? 

How would it help others if we took care of our own souls? Is Jesus telling us that soul care is like the oxygen mask in an aircraft that has lost cabin pressure? I have discovered that when flying at a cruising altitude if there is a complete loss of cabin pressure you have about twelve-seconds without your oxygen mask in place before you will slip into unconsciousness. In addition, even if there is oxygen in the air, without cabin pressure you are unable to inhale. 

In addition, a sudden loss of pressure is easily detected but if there is a gradual loss it is hard to detect. This could result in slipping into unconsciousness without being aware there was any danger. Might this be the reality that most of live with regarding the well being of our souls? We notice a sudden loss of well being in our souls (examples-death of a loved one, sudden live threatening illness); however, most often it happens very gradually and by the time it is detected, our souls are very sick.

How will you ensure that your soul is being cared for with the priority that Jesus invites us to give our souls, even under pressure? How will you answer Jesus when he asks you the two questions above? May I invite you to sit quietly with Jesus and answer his two questions?

Copyright © 2013 TroyerCoaching, All rights reserved.

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