Wednesday, November 19, 2014

We Are Wasting Away!

“Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.” 2 Corinthians 4:16b TNIV

My mother used to say, “You are only as old as you feel”. In some ways this is a true statement and the reality is that my physical body is wasting away and will die one day. As I grow older, I am increasingly aware that this body is growing older. It takes me longer to accomplish a task than it did a few years ago. Not only does it take me longer, the task is more challenging and difficult to accomplish. Some are no longer possible. Others are completed with a greater risk to injury to my body especially my back.

In addition, concentration needed when working with my mind takes more energy and is thus more challenging and tiring. This means that more energy is used to accomplish the same task. All of this is happening at a time when my body is experiencing a decrease in energy levels. This means the balance of energy is challenged on both ends - more is needed and less is available. Growing older means reducing my level of activity including working with my mind. 

However, while dealing with these losses, the Scripture promises that inwardly I am being renewed daily. This is indeed good news! My inner life is growing stronger. My relationship with God through Christ is better than it has ever been and I am looking forward to continued growth in my relationship  with Christ.

So how do I live a fulfilled life when my ability to “do” is declining? The key according to this Scripture in focusing on my inner life. This means putting more energy into “being” with Christ rather that “doing” for Christ. In reality the physical focuses on the temporary and the inner life builds for the eternal.

This is what Jesus was teaching in John 15:5 TNIV,“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” Growing older frees me from the trap of busyness and gives me the freedom to spent more of my time and energy nurturing my relationship with Jesus. The promise of Jesus is that this will result in bearing much fruit, fruit that will last. This fruit has eternal value long after life in this body has ended. 

I want to shift from focusing on doing things for Christ to being with Him. This enables me to focus on the gains of growing older rather than the losses. It’s a choice I want to make. If not I risk growing more frustrated and bitter as I grow older and my body moves toward death. Living into this promise of a renewed inner life gives me hope and a future that is filled with increased meaning and purpose. Even if total disability should be my lot, I can rest assured that my life is bearing much fruit for the Kingdom and will last for eternity.